Remy had his first Dock Diving experience in July. As Remy loves water (ocean, jumping into the pool, swimming in lakes and exploring rivers) we thought this may be a great sport for him to try. And fun for us too! There was a Fundraising Event a couple hours away so I decided to sign Remy up.
As we watched dogs having their practice runs, I was thinking Remy would love this!
People were really nice and giving us tips since it was our first time. When it was our turn, a very nice man from the ADD explained what we would be doing and what our approach would be. He had us start on the ramp, just getting him used to going into the water and climbing back up the ramp. We then went through the gate onto the dock. As we were going to the edge, Remy looked at the toy, looked at the water and jumped diagonal onto the ramp and jumped in the water! (video below)
Next try, the man crouched down to prevent Remy from being able to jump diagonally onto the ramp. I figured Remy would just jump right in. I threw the toy and encouraged him to “jump!”. Well….Remy somehow knew the gate was left unlatched and he went out the gate, down the ramp and into the water! (video below) Oh boy we were laughing. After that, with the practice time we had left, we could not get Remy to jump off the end of the dock. He just kept trying to get to the ramp. We had a lot of fun though and can hopefully take a lesson in the near future.
Would love to hear your Dock Diving stories! Any of you competing or practicing?